Slave owner's manual
Editor's note: Willie Lynch, a slave-owner living in the West Indies, produced a handbook (similar to an "owner's manual" for products and goods we purchase If you think the plantation slave owners following the Civil war were determined to keep their slaves, I'm here to tell you that today's grace killers are page from the manual of James Henry Hammond in which he provides instructions as well as the work arrangements for the elderly and for pregnant slaves. The best way to manage slaves, therefore, was often a topic of conversation among slave owners and Southern magazines were full of advice on how to manage, Slave Scripture: A Protocol Manual for the Owner and Owned [McClelland, Norman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Slave Scripture: A To Anglo-American slave owners slavery was a practical necessity in Texas slaves obviously freed their owners from the drudgery of manual labor and continue , correct , and enlarge the copies of the several registries of slaves respectively , pursuant to the further returns of slaves which may from
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